2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011







1 Improved biogeography-based optimization with random ring topology    and Powell's method APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 封全喜
2 Graphene    oxide quantum dot-derived nitrogen-enriched hybrid graphene nanosheets by    simple photochemical doping for high-performance supercapacitors APPLIED    SURFACE SCIENCE 李新宇
3 An    alternating direction Galerkin method for a time-fractional partial    differential equation with damping in two space dimensions ADVANCES IN    DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 陈  安
4 Phase diagram    of the Kondo-Heisenberg model on honeycomb lattice with geometrical    frustration epl-Europhysics    Letters 黎  欢
5 Role of    Pyridinic-N for Nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots in oxygen reaction    reduction Jouranl of    Colloid and Interface Science 李  明
6 Controllable    Momentum Filter Based on a Magnetically Confined Semiconductor Heterostucture    with a δ-Doping IEEE    Transactions on Electron Devices 卢卯旺
7 Asymptotically    compatible schemes for space-time nonlocal diffusion equations Chaos,    Solitons and Fractals 陈  安
8 Effect of    sputtering power on the structure and optical band gap of SiC thin films optical    materials 程  勇
9 Effect of    Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin–Orbit    Couplings on Electron Spin Polarization in a Hybrid Magnetic–Electric Barrier Nanostructure Journal of    Electronic Materials 卢卯旺
10 A Variational    Inequality Theory with Applications to -Laplacian Elliptic Inequalities ACTA    APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE 蒋宜蓉
11 Tuning the    Photoluminescence of Graphene Quantum Dots by Fluorination Journal of    nanomaterials 李  明
12 Tuning the    photoluminescence of graphene quantum dots by co-doping of nitrogen and    sulfur JOURNAL OF    NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH 李  明
13 The dynamic    behaviors of one-predator two-prey system with mutual interference and    impulsive control math comput    simulation 邵远夫
14 Complete    convergence and complete moment convergence for weighted sums of extended    negatively dependent random variables under sub-linear expectation JOURNAL OF    INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS 吴群英
15 Equivalent    conditions of complete moment convergence for extended negatively dependent    random variables Journal of    Inequalities and Applications 吴群英
16 Almost Sure    Central Limit Theorem for Self-Normalized Partial Sums of Negatively    Associated Random Variables FILOMAT 吴群英
17 Carbon    nanotube doped active carbon coated separator for enhanced electrochemical    performance of lithium-sulfur batteries JOURNAL OF    MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 肖剑荣
18 Effect of    various nitrogen flow ratios on the optical properties of (Hf:N)-DLC films    prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering AIP ADVANCES 肖剑荣
19 Gaseous-phase,    silica-coated sulfur particles as a cathode material for high-performance    lithium/sulfur batteries JOURNAL OF    MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 肖剑荣
20 Spin    filtering in a δ-magnetic-barrier    nanostructure modulated by Rashba and Dresselhaus spin–orbit couplings J Comput    Electron 陈赛艳
21 Delta-doping-controllable    magnetoresistance device in a magnetically modulated semiconductor    nanostructure CHINESE    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 陈赛艳
22 Effect of    Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Couplings on Electron-Spin Polarization in    a Magnetic-Barrier Nanostructure Journal of    Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 卢卯旺
23 复杂网络谱粗粒化方法的改进算法 物理学报 贾  贞
24 Carbon    Nanotube Doped with Gaseous-phase Silica/Sulfur Composite as a Cathode    Material for High-performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries International    Journal of Electrochemical Science 蒋爱华
25 Direct    Formation of Reduced Graphene Oxide and Graphene Quantum dot Composites by    Using Ascorbic Acid as High Performance Binder-Free Supercapacitor Electrodes INTERNATIONAL    JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 李新宇
26 Titanium    nitride nano-disk arrays-based metasurface as a perfect absorber in the    visible range Modern    Physics Letters B 梁秋群
27 Homological    aspects of the adjoint cotranspose COLLOQUIUM    MATHEMATICUM 唐  曦
28 Homological    aspects of the dual Auslander transpose II KYOTO JOURNAL    OF MATHEMATICS 唐  曦
29 The Half    Metallicity of Zigzag Silicene Nanoribbon with Al/P Co-doping JOURNAL OF    SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM 王志勇
30 Effects of 48    defects and external electric field on the electronic properties of silicene    nanoribbons MATERIALS    RESEARCH EXPRESS 王志勇
31 Almost sure    central limit theorem for self-normalized partial sums of rho(-)-mixing    sequences STATISTICS    & PROBABILITY LETTERS 吴群英
32 An extension    of almost sure central limit theorem for the maximum of stationary Gaussian    random fields COMMUNICATIONS    IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS 吴群英
33 Almost sure    central limit theorem for self-normalized products of partial sums of    negatively associated sequences COMMUNICATIONS    IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS 吴群英
34 Relativistic    ponderomtive force acceleration of electrons in weak inhomogenous underdense    plasma Optik 夏雄平
35 Preparation    of Reduced Graphene Oxide Aerogel and its Application in Lithium Sulfur    Battery International    Journal of Electrochemical Science 肖剑荣
36 Separators    with Active-Carbon Coating for Advanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries INTERNATIONAL    JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 肖剑荣
37 氮掺杂及PEG包覆对CNT/S材料储锂性能的影响 稀有金属材料与工程 肖剑荣

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