2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011







1 WENO scheme with new smoothness indicator for Hamilton-Jacobi    equation  Applied    Mathematics and Computation 黄聪
2 Rapid    Detection of Surface Color of Shatian Pomelo Using Vis-NIR Spectrometry for    the Identification of Maturity Food    Analytical Methods 陈华舟
3 Influences    of Nitrogen Partial Pressure on the Optical Properties of Copper Nitride    Films RSC    Advances 肖剑荣
4 Reduction    of graphene oxide gel with carbon nanotube,sulfur cathode material    preparation and electrochemical performance RSC    Advances 肖剑荣
5 Controllable    giant magnetoresistance effect by the δ-doping in a magnetically confined semiconductor    heterostructure Applied    Surface Science 卢卯旺
6 Complete    convergence and complete moment convergence for negatively associated    sequences of random variables Journal    of Inequalities and Applications 吴群英
7 Moment    convergence rates in the law of iterated logarithm for moving average process    under dependence Journal    of Inequalities and Applications 吴群英
8 Surface    enhanced Raman scattering substrate with high-density hotspots fabricated by    depositing Ag film on TiO2‑catalyzed Ag nanoparticles  Journal of Alloys and Compounds 李帅
9 A    note on the almost sure central limit theorems for the maxima of strongly    dependent nonstationary Gaussian vector sequences Journal    of Inequalities and Applications 曾翔
10 Essential    sets of fixed points for correspondences with application to Nash equilibria Fixed    Point Theory 宋奇庆
11 The    dynamic behaviors of one-predator two-prey system with mutual interference    and impulsive control Mathematics    and Computers in Simulation 邵远夫
12 An    Impulsive Three-Species Model with Square Root Functional Response and Mutual    Interference of Predator Discrete    Dynamics in Nature and Society 邵远夫
13 Manipulable    GMR effect in delta-doped magnetically confined semiconductor heterostructure Journal    of Electronic Materials 卢卯旺
14 Controllable    magnetoresistance device based on a delta-doped magnetic nanostructure Journal    of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 卢卯旺
15 The    effects on the electronic properties of BN nanoribbon with C-chain    substitution doping Solid    State Communications 王志勇
16 Almost    sure central limit theorem for self-normalized partial sums and maxima Revista    de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A-Matemáticas 吴群英
17 Complete    moment convergence for negatively dependent sequences of random variables  Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 吴群英
18 An    impulsive two-stage predator–prey    model with stage-structure  and square    root functional responses Mathematics    and Computers in Simulation 邵远夫
19 Applications    of n-Gorenstein projective and injective modules Hacettepe    Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 唐曦
20 Research    on electron acceleration in interaction of intense laser and magnetized    plasma by ponderomotive force OPTIK 夏雄平
21 Research    transmission characteristics of a plasmonic multiple-ring shaped    metal-insulator-metal waveguide Optik 曾亚萍
22 The    energy separation effect based on the disk resonance multichannel MIM    waveguide Modern    Physics Letters B 王柳
23 活性炭-CNT/PEG/硫复合材料的制备与储锂性能研究 稀有金属材料与工程 肖剑荣
24 Laws    of the iterated logarithm for  -mixing    random variables with normal distribution, ,2016, Acta    Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,English    Series 吴群英

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